Musings, lists, and thoughts on the serious and trivial.

I'm a school psychologist, mom, lesbian, bibliophile, coffee addict who has a bit of a propensity to write lists and who enjoys commenting on the crazy and the wonderful in the world.

10 Reasons Why Snow Days are Good for Kids and Teachers!

Full disclosure here, I’m a school psychologist not a teacher. For simplicity sake and for solidarity sake I like to lump myself in with teachers. I’m here to defend snow days. I know, I know… many parents detest them. As a parent, they often inconvenience me as well. However, here are ten reasons they are awesome!


1. Kids need a break. Seriously, I support Common Core (that’s another post entirely), but have you seen that stuff?! It’s really, really quite intense and brain draining. At this time of year the only break on the horizon is Spring Break and that may as well be a million miles away.

2. House of Cards season three has started. Nothing else needs to be added, obviously.

3. Kids get to run around outside and tire themselves out and step away from electronics.

4. Sleep! This applies equally to sleep deprived teachers and kids.

5. A chance to make actual hot breakfast. Not that Eggo waffles aren’t the breakfast of champions. But, don’t you feel like the world’s best parent when you actually cook a hot breakfast.

6. I get to read actual novels with plots and well developed characters. During the school year I have to stay up until about 1am if I want to read for pleasure. Which of course I do anyway because I’m obsessed like that.

7. Hot coffee, cozy blankets, and snow outside the window. Soul enriching stuff, people.

8. Our dogs love the snow!

9. There is zero need to leave the house or be productive. Laundry you say? No thanks. Errands perhaps? Not necessary. It’s a free day!

10. When the phone rings with that strange automated voice at 5am, it’s like finding $50 on the ground!

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